FALLING WATERS, WEST VIRGINIA, USA, July 29, 2022 /EINPresswire.com/ -- JC Training Academy has put together an event that small business owners do not want to miss. On August 20, 2022, a wealth of education and value will be provided for attendees. Information will be catered specifically to those who are in business and those who are looking to take that next step of starting a business. This virtual event will allow business owners to connect with established leaders to glean from their expertise and experience across multiple industries. We are proud to partner with National Business Builders to leverage their expertise concerning business credit and business operations. Business credit is a hot topic and it’s critical that business owners understand operations and goal planning. Business owners are concerned about funding but also understand that it is better to separate personal assets from their business assets.
Having access to business credit is the lifeline for a business. The SBA states, that it enables you to obtain the capital you need to expand, cover day-to-day expenses, purchase inventory, hire additional staff, and allows you to conserve the cash on hand to cover your cost of doing business. Having talked to a multitude of business owners, we know that this additional funding can mean longevity or ceasing to exist for a business. The top way that business owners begin is usually with an injection of their own capital and savings. That continues leveraging personal credit by which individuals take a hit for borrowing and then another hit for the utilization. Establishing business credit allows you to separate your personal credit from your business. That becomes a huge blessing so that one does not affect the other if either side has an unforeseen challenge. Those who have access to funding can operate with a certain level of confidence and peace versus those who are lacking the funding.
"Too many people are barely getting by, and they need to know that there are solutions available to them and their families to be able to provide a better life.”
— Eric McKinley
National Business Builders’ Eric McKinley has been working with business owners and has been able to survey the community of business owners he has counseled. Eric has been able to assist over seven hundred individuals with starting a business and provide coaching options to some as well. He is passionate and extremely committed to helping as many established and potential business owners achieve the success that they deserve and be their best at their business. The one-on-one style of coaching and education concerning business credit is of high value. Not every business is the same, so, it would make sense that a unique individualized approach would make the most and best sense.
The Let’s Build Community Wealth Together Business Expo event will cover this topic in great length as well as provide attendees opportunities to get their questions answered while also providing a community group access after the event. A full day of excellent interactive sessions and post-event support for any questions is what makes this an event that should be on every small business owner’s agenda. It simply makes sense to invest in one’s ability to run and grow their business to success.
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