JC Training Academy

Let's Build Community Wealth Together Business Expo Is Launched For August 20, 2022


Virtual Conference announced to benefit business owners and those looking to start a business



WASHINGTON, DC, USA, June 14, 2022 /EINPresswire.com/ -- JC Training Academy has put together an event that small business owners do not want to miss. On August 20, 2022, a wealth of education and value will be provided for attendees. Information will be catered specifically to those who are in business and those who are looking to take the next step of starting a business. This virtual event will allow business owners to connect with established leaders to glean from their expertise and experience across multiple industries. The benefits of being virtual and completely online provide opportunities for more people to be able to attend removing limitations due to travel. Each attendee is able to view and engage in the event from the comfort of their own home or business establishment. Business owners are left to their own whim and internet search ability to find various answers that speak from different points of view. This leaves most confused and unsure of the directions to follow. This event is set to bring wisdom and perspective enabling business owners to execute decision-making that promotes the desired results for their business.


The event focuses on four key components concerning business: Grants, Credit, Operations, and Taxes. This will be new information and perspective that anyone is able to use to make improvements. When it comes to grants and funding, it has always been said that money exists for new startups and certain industries. The question left unanswered is how to come across it and qualify for it. Business credit is a hot topic, but very few are certain that they are headed in the right direction in building it.


"We have talked with business owners and see that they desire to learn. They have search fatigue and are looking for guidance. Our event helps by compiling the necessary education needed for success.”

James Hall - CEO of JC Training Academy

Most business owners lack the proper understanding of their day-to-day operations to be able to plan for future growth and maintenance. This affects a multitude of things including record keeping, tax planning, and overall growth. Taxes and record-keeping are the other side of the business that many lack the understanding to include in their business plan. There is no point in growing your business revenue without having a tax plan to implement tax minimization while maximizing one’s profits.

The Let’s Build Community Wealth Together Business Expo event will cover these topics in great length as well as provide attendees opportunities to get their questions answered while also providing community group access after the event. A full day of amazing interactive sessions and post-event support for any questions is what makes this an event that should be on every small business owner’s agenda. It simply makes sense to invest in one’s ability to run and grow their business to success.

Registration is open to the masses.





James Hall
JC Training Academy
+1 681-353-5012
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